When it comes to seasonal changes, Kevin has never been the one to follow the herd. Seasonal colors? Forget it! Seasonal food choices? Eat whatever! Now that it's fall/winter- all I can think about are soups. Kevin, on the other hand? He just let me know that he hates soups. Who hates soups?! What is he into at the moment? Salads! He makes this salad (Chickpea Caesar Pasta Salad) every single day. I guess it's slightly my fault because I introduced this salad to our household, but I will say - it is pretty tasty.  

What are the key components of this salad that we love?
  • Red Onion: this is more so Kevin.
  • The Ceasar Dressing: we use Ken’s Simply Caesar Vinaigrette (pictured below) instead of the creamy version.
  • Fresh-made Croutons: this is my favorite part of the dish. Especially with sourdough bread. yumyumyum. Pictured above is the smallest air fryer known to man, but it does the job! 
  • HERB Salad Mix: One weekend, we had an extra day reserved for our car rental, so I decided to go to Wegmans. I randomly picked up a container of their herb salad mix, and I swear, our lives changed forever. I would get bites of salad with fresh parsley or cilantro and be like, "Woah!" For this post, we used the herb salad mix from trader joes (not even close to the same) and added cilantro and parsley to the mix for extra flavor. Try it sometime and let me know what you think! 

Want some more salad inspiration? Click here! I randomly came across this page on Instagram, and the amount of posts on salad recipes is overwhelming (in a good way.) 

Sidebar: Cooking is what you’d call a hobby of mine. Click here to see my post via Imperishable Things on how hobbies can help your mental health <3